Contact the VFW
Here is how to get a hold of use here at the Monocacy Valley Memorial VFW Post 6918

What's New
- January 11th Oyster Feed Starts @ 1pm-4pm $50 Per Person
January 13th Cash Bingo Doors open @6pm/ Bingo @7pm $20 Entry Fee
February 10th Cash Bingo Doors open @6pm/ Bingo @7pm $20 Entry Fee
Febuary 22nd Browning Sportsman Drawing Starts @ 1pm-4pm (RC - Mar 1st.) $50 Per Person
March 8th Oyster Feed Starts @ 1pm-4pm $50 Per Person
March 10th Cash Bingo Doors open @6pm/ Bingo @7pm $20 Entry Fee
March 15th Family Fun Day/ Kids Bingo Starts @ 1pm-4pm TBD
March 21st Auxiliary 250 Club Dinner Doors open @ 5pm $10 Per Person
Monocacy Valley Memorial VFW Post 6918
Send your inquiries to:
Attention: Senior Vice Commander
5801 Conover Rd.
Taneytown, MD.
View Larger Map
Contact List:
Contact via email:
For information on our club and events contact:
Senior Vice Commander:
Men's Auxiliary:
Men's Auxiliary President
Ladies Auxiliary:
VFW 6918 Webmaster:
VFW Post and or Canteen:
On holidays please leave a message. A VFW Post representative will contact you back.

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"To Honor the Dead by Helping the Living"